Stories read. Time to post!

So, let’s see:

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by... Jen (Shadow). The story idea reminds me of her.

Clark's Pet Peeve by... The pet joke (ROTFLOL, btw) could be Mary (Queen of the Capes) but the rest doesn’t look that Mary-like. Jen again (assuming the first one is indeed Jen)? Erica (Mad Dog Lane)?
All right, I say Erica.

A Day at the Metropolis Pet Store by... Okay, whoever wrote this made it darn sure it would be impossible to guess! I don’t have a clue!!
But, as it’s all about points, it’d be a good idea to make a guess... I’m between Mary and Pam, but I think I’ll go for Mary after all.

Lois and That Cat by... hmm... CC Aiken? Or LabRat? I’d go for LabRat, but I don’t think she’d leave a story incomplete, since she already has some WIPs... Could it be Mary? Then, so far there are three stories that remind me of Mary, and just imagine that I’ve read everything she’s written. ARGH! I’m a horrible ‘guesser’.
Okay, I've already given a story to Mary, so I now say LabRat. Period.

Lois and the Cat by... CC Aiken? Dunno, it just kinda reminds me of "Lois Unbuttoned".

The Pet Bet by... Lynn? Yeah, I think it’s Lynn. This bet plus Lois’s behaviour smells of “Starwood In Aspen”.

That's All it Takes by... Well, there are too many Wendy elements in there, as Kae already pointed out, but Wendy wouldn’t try something that obvious, right? So I guess I’ll go with... hmm... I’d say Kae, but she wouldn’t post such a guess post if it was really her... Yvonne? I’ve heard she doesn’t write TOGOM re-writes, but she’d said something about using subterfuge... All right, I say Yvonne.

Waiting for Superman by... Wendy? My gut feeling says it’s her, so I think I’ll just follow it.

Still Life with Python by... Hey, I got cameos in there! smile1
Okay, Anna, stop partying and focus. A FoLC cameoed you, don’t let them down!
Wanda Detroit? Mary? One of these two, I think. Let’s go for Wanda. No, Mary. Maybe they co-wrote it? peep
Well, I can’t choose between either of them, so I’ll go for someone else... Paul.

It’s been fun reading all the responses and trying to come up with my own. I hope I didn’t offend anyone in the process. /me hides behind the ficus, just in case. peep

See ya,

P.S.: I have a feeling that my score will be a big, fat zero.

P.P.S.: Once the writers are revealed, I’ll have to write a lot of fdk posts! All the stories were a-w-e-s-o-m-e!

What we've got here is failure to communicate...