You know, this would be alot easier if, rather than a 'fill-in-the-blank', this were a matching test. You know, give us 10 stories and 10 authors, and have us match them up.

There are so many great authors out there, that trying to decide who wrote these 10 stories is next to impossible. But, I'll take a stab at it. Here goes...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by... I'm going to say Paul. It is just the quirky sort of thing he might come up with, right down to the title.

Clark's Pet Peeve by... Wanda Detroit. I don't know why.

A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store by... Aaarg! This one is tough. (Very funny, btw, whoever did this! thumbsup ) For some reason, I'm thinking maybe Lynn?

Lois and That Cat by... Ummm, no idea, whatsoever. Just because it has a nice little story going here, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say Nan.

Lois and the Cat by... OK, everyone seems to agree this is CC, so I'll go along with that.

The Pet Bet by... Another wonderful story - the characterization is right on, and the whole idea of Lois killing her virtual pet, repeatedly, is clap . So, who wrote this? I'm going to go with Mary.

That's All it Takes by... OK, this is where we replay the scene from the Princess Bride. Wendy wouldn't write this, because it would be too obvious. But, Wendy might write this, knowing we would think she didn't, because it is too obvious. But, if she thought that we would suspect that she was devious enough to try to trick us... OK, OK, enough! I say... Wendy!

Waiting for Superman by... I'm saying this was not written by an American, only because of the use of the adjective "quite". I'd be more likely to say someone was "really safe" or "completely safe" or something along that line, rather than that they were "quite safe". I could be wrong about this, but at this point, I'm grabbing for any straw of a clue I can find! So, since that leaves about half of the authors left to choose from, I guess it doesn't help much, at that. Oh, well. I'd say Wendy, but since I picked her above, I'll go with Yvonne.

Still Life with Python by... OK, this seems like Mary. I know I picked her above, too, but I can't think of anyone else, so I'm picking Mary again here.

Dance with a Stranger by... Again, not a clue. I'm going to go with Meredith. (Don't ask me why, it's just a wild guess.)

So, for what it's worth, those are my guesses.

- Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster