Okay, let's see...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by... hmmmm... S4, so that rules out several authors. Kryptonite and Clark suffering, which could make me think of Yvonne evil , but that just doesn't seem to be her style. For some reason, I'm somewhat tempted to say LauraU, but I'm really, really not sure.

Clark's Pet Peeve by... by someone evil enough to throw havoc into Lois and Clark's relationship. Did I mention I'm really bad at guessing games? Cos I am. And so Clark's Pet Peeve is by... by a certain author, whose name shall remain a secret for various reasons. Right. That sounds good. Okay, if I *really* have to guess I would say CC Aiken. Or maybe Lynn herself... hmmm... which one of those two evil twins is it? Well, there's a smoochie, so it could be Lynn. But then the smoochie is not written in full detail, and Lynn writes fully detailed smoochies. So maybe CC. Can I say LyCC? No? All right then, I'll go for CC.
Edit: not CC, as I'm guessing her for a later one. So I'll go for Lynn after all.

A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store by... I'm thinking Julie Stars. Or maybe MDL. Ack! Do I get half a point if it's one of the two? If I ask sweetly? Darn. Okay, okay, then I'll throw a coin and say... MDL.

Lois and That Cat by... I'll use the other side of that coin and say Julie Stars. Since I'm really not sure, do I still get half a point if I'm wrong?

Lois and the Cat by... Well, that one made me laugh out loud. It was hilarious, and I could picture the whole scene! Poor Lois! I'm really, really tempted to say Yvonne, because the dialogue has that wit that she does so well. What sort of holds me back is that there's no double spacing after full stops, but maybe that's just to fool the ennemy. <g> On the other hand... hang on, this is S1. Yvonne is not keen on S1. Wait, wait, wait, this is not my final answer! Okay, let's think. Actually, this could be CC. Yes, that sounds very much like CC's style. Okay, I'll go for CC. But that means I have to go back and change one of my previous answers... brb.

The Pet Bet by... CC? You're gonna think I'm obsessed with CC. <g> Okay, okay, not CC then. Let's think. Let's think harder. Well, well, well... Okay, maybe Kathy Brown. I don't know why, but suddenly I thought why not? I mean, there are the sweet attentions, and since Kathy has a young daughter, she might be familiar with those e-pets. Mind you, Lynn has kids, too. But I already chose Lynn for something else. Okay, so Kathy.

That's All it Takes by... Okay, that's one where I'm almost sure, although the clues could all be a huge set-up by someone evil enough to let a poor BR make a fool of herself, but... I mean, this is TOGOM, and there's a cat comforting Lois, and it's angsty at first, then turns waffy, and... all right, I'll take the plunge and say Wendy Richards.
Edit: okay, not Wendy. I just re-read it and there are just some things that don't look Wendy-like in there, and what just struck me is that the scene breaks are not Wendy's usual either. I'm guessing that someone tried to set a trap with TOGOM and the cat, and who fell right into it? Yep. blush : So as a result, not a clue who wrote that one, besides a "maybe not Wendy, but maybe Wendy, but maybe not".

Waiting for Superman by... by... Right, I'm at a point where I've made enough of a fool of myself to keep it up, so I'll pick a random name and say... Yvonne, just because of Lois's wary attitude towards the cat.

Still Life with Python by... ARGHHHHH! Waaah. I don't know. Snif. Okay, okay, I'll take a guess. I mean, there are two cameos in there. LabRat and Pelican. Now, does that help me name the author? Course not. All right, I give up. huh

Dance with a Stranger (Nfic) by... you know, I'm not just bad at recognising PG fanfic, I'm also bad at recognising nfic. The writing flows very smoothly, and... and that's all I can tell you. I'd be tempted to say LabRat, but if it is, then I'll have to lynch her for spending time on something other than SOMH. Rat wouldn't take that risk. Right? laugh

Well, that was fun. My score is going to be horribly bad, but that was fun. smile

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~