Okay... I don't know how Wendy knew, but I am sort of infamous for my snoring. I've been known to disturb the sleep of campers in other tents, and have chased a buddy sharing a hotel room to his car for some much needed sleep. That's just what they say. I think my friends just make it all up, after all, I've never heard me snoring.



The snoring bear rolled over and came abruptly awake in mid-snore. "Lois?" She jumped onto the bed, an almost feral grin on her face. "You cut your hair?"

"Yeah." She straddled her beloved. "So did you," she laughed.

He shrugged. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Shhhh, no more talk about hair." She planted a kiss on his waiting lips. She kicked off her shoes and lay down next to him. "I can think of better things to do." Snuggling closer to each other, they resumed their kissing.

And they lived happily ever after... really!

Tank (who thinks it's only fair that he be allowed to end this since Wendy was the one who started it all)