These are all fantastic! Amazing that 100 words can range from hilarious to heartbreaking. Thanks to all of you for doing these.

I figured I should at least give a stab at my own challenge <g>. So this drabble is dedicated to Kaethel with a big fat wink to LabRat wink

Exactly 100 words not counting the title.

Guilty Pleasures


“Clark? You OK?”

“Mmmm. Yeah. Lois, that was amazing.”

“Thought you might like it.”

“I never knew I could enjoy something so...”


“Yeah. Makes me feel kinda...evil.”

“It's fun to be bad once in a while, huh?”

“Sort of makes me want to rethink this whole goody-goody superhero thing.”

“Only if you’re a bad boy with me.”

“Only you.”

“Sure gives new meaning to the phrase ‘guilty pleasure.’”

“So, you up for some more?”

“Sorry. It’s a once a week thing.”

“Too bad. I could do this every night.”

“Me, too."

"You think Buffy’ll pick Spike or Angel?”

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah