by Wanda Detroit

“Clark, help! I’m dying!” Lois screamed.

“You’re not dying, honey. You’ve just been in labor for twelve hours.”

Lois frowned. “That’s the same as dying.”

Clark compassionately mopped his wife’s brow, and gave her hand an encouraging squeeze.

“You’re almost there, Lois,” announced the doctor.

“Did you hear that, Lois? You’re almost there...”

“Clark, I’m in labor, I’m not DEAF!”

Another contraction came. “Push!” yelled the doctor. “Breathe!” yelled Clark. Lois pushed; her death-grip on Clark’s hand surely would have broken a few fingers, had he not been invulnerable.

And then, a loud cry could be heard.

“Congratulations! It’s a...”

***Sorry, FoLCs, I ran outta words! Happy Belated April Fool’s!***
-Wanda laugh

"He's a man. I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?" -Lois Lane, I've Got a Crush on You.