I can see the point that the ep is silly and the accents are terrible, but I think the reason why I like it so much is that I look at it as a parody. I see it as being meant to be silly (whether it actually was or not wink ) and I enjoy watching the silliness of it.

As for them being destined to be together no matter what, I never thought that it negated all of the stuff they had to go through to get to be together. They were meant for each other, but they weren't neccesarily going to be together even if they just sat back and didn't work at it. They complemented each other perfectly and TPTB allowed for them to meet in each past life, but TPTB didn't make it all roses for them. As Lois said, "Together, but eternally teased." They were meant to be together, but they still had to struggle to get that priviledge.

That's my $0.02.

~Anna (who is hoping that the second paragraph makes sense)