Good grief - you know I'd completely forgotten till your post, Wendy, of how miffed I was the first time I watched Soul Mates - for that very same reason. I was so mad that they seemed to be saying that all those years counted for nothing and that Clark could just have easily sat back in his chair at the Planet and done nothing to win Lois and the result would have been the same anyway.

Guess I must have gotten over it at some point! goofy I have a vague memory of this coming up at some point in the past and reading something someone had posted which made me think of that aspect in a whole different light so that it didn't bother me any more. But what the heck that theory would have been I have no idea. Lost in the mists of time that one.

Anyway, these days I see it as a collection of moments, like all the others, so I enjoy it enormously. Although won't say a lot of it doesn't get fast forwarded. <g> Or that I wouldn't have been just as happy - if not more so - to have had a nice, proper honeymoon episode in Hawaii. But all the fanfic over the years that cover that one means I don't hold it against the writers any more for not giving us one of those. wink

And LOL! Hadn't even thought of the past souls on Earth angle. Bethy, your story sounds absolutely fascinating and I'm hoping you'll have it finished soon.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers