well, two of my current wips involve soulmates. hopefully, if they ever get written, they'll be unique enough to be worth reading, even if you don't like the whole soulmates thing.

the thing about souls, though, is that, imo, they're not tied to any one thing. the series established that clark's soul will always have a secret identity, and that it will always find lois's soul. other than that, there's a lot of room to play with. i won't give away the twists i'm planning on, but i don't see why you should think that a soul has to stick to a certain planet or even species. many cultures that beleive in reincarnation say that you can come back as just about anything from an ant on up. even if you don't believe that animals have souls, i think you'd accept that if humans do, then so do kryptonians. so, why can't a human soul be in a kryptonian body? and why limit the soul to a specific area of the "material plane"? if there's reincarnation, then there has to be a "spiritual plane" where souls go when they're not in the bodies (unless you believe that upon the death of the body, the soul immediately seeks out a baby about to be born...)

anyway, as for the ep itself, i didn't like it at first, but i developed a taste for it. smile

i'm not sure what i beleive in this world, when it comes to souls, but since it's been made cannon in l&c, i accept it in their world.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.