Darth Michael: hyper Yup.

Oh no. Who let Lois into the kitchen? [waits impatiently for an answer]
MARTHA: blush

And where was Clark during all this?
In town with Jonathan buying feed.

She got distracted again! And she’s fallen back into her traditional gender role. Wait, does that mean she’s also drunk while Clark ... visits the Sherriff?
LOIS: *MY* mother wasn't traditional!

MICHAEL: /guesses Lois has been baking and not leaving anything for her hubby/
LOIS: Well, he *can* eat it if he *wants to*.

No nookie for him tonight?
CLARK: shock We're at my *folks!*

/checks rule book/
Ooops. Did we miss that one?

One thing I don’t get – Martha is really calm with Lois announcing the house has burnt down.
Technically, Lois didn't say "burned down", she said "ruined", but... you're probably right.

And Clark flew in he would have seen the house is still standing.
He and Jonathan drove back to the farm in the truck. He only flew from the other side of the barn.

That’s about how long it takes to burn down a wooden house.
JONATHAN: [Linked Image] I guess we shouldn't have insulated the thing with wood shavings and old newspapers dipped in turpentine.

/She got me!/ A *gingerbread* house! [Of course!] But why is Clark so concerned about his parent’s house? A baking competition, mayhaps?
Because he didn't know Lois had been baking.

Yeah, I guess Lois must be pretty well versed by now with the fire extinguisher.
LUCY: I still prefer getting the fireman to extinguish my fire instead of using some dead household appliance.
LOIS: Lucy! /calls Monica and Rachel and insists that they let Lucy move in with them/

Anyway, I thought since they’re both thick and sticky…”
MICHAEL: /expects such mistakes from a rookie in the kitchen/
Yeah, I made the same mistake. I figured since we weren't going to eat it, how it tasted didn't really matter... My hubby, the Chef, had the same reaction you did. laugh

The true reason Lois never got any Christmas presents from Santa
Her cookies gave him indigestion?

What a fun Christmas story! You are evil.
Thank you. I try to keep you on your toes.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.