mozartmaid: Thanks for stopping by within the first ten minutes. laugh /it's easy to be first when you read it as soon as I post/

Very fun vignette! I thought for sure the Kent house was in ruins! Thank goodness it was just the (un)edible kind!
I'm glad you enjoyed the subtle twist ending. Poor Lois gets such a bad rap for being danger prone.

Shallowford: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Yup. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I couldn't figure out how the house could be on fire and Martha not know about it. You had me the whole way through.
I figured in this story the barn isn't right next to the house but down the drive a good 100+ yards. It's possible to ruin a house with smoke damage (and an inside fire) without burning it down. Luckily Lois did neither.

Thanks for the chuckles.
You're Welcome.

Laura (LMA): Thank you for reading and commenting.
LOVED it! Did not see the end coming at all....

Lois smiled sheepishly, reminding the older woman of her son.
Could totally picture both of these expressions...liked this detail you added.
Thanks. While opposite may attract, they also rub off on one another.

This was great! So like Clark to worry ahead of time, and so like Lois to be annoyed by it, and hold her ground.
I can't have her admit she's wrong, even when she is. wink

A snow twister came down the drive and stopped in front of the women.
Cool way to describe a super-charged Clark in the snow...loved it!
I'm glad you liked this image. I wasn't sure about it, since Clark would technically have to be spinning down the drive to create it.

Really liked the ending of this...seemed totally like a 'Clark' thing to say--and really fit with how he was feeling at that moment. Awesome!
Well, he is our resident smart aleck.

Now I'm in the mood to read about Lois and Clark building the gingerbread house together--sure all sorts of funny issues could come up with the construction--with Lois trying to take over, and Clark trying to plan it all out perfectly...
I know Mozartmaid wrote a story recently which had them baking cookies together, but I have no plans for a sequel.

I love a fun holiday story--thanks for a great read!
Thanks, and you're welcome. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.