
We are definitely approaching a plot climax! And I'm convinced that this was a real memory, taking place somewhere between these lines from part 1:

The pain, carried by searing flames, assaulted every part of his body.

He blacked out. He surfaced enough to realise they were hauling him away.
Tempus is talking about Lois, but Clark has no way of knowing that and assumes he means Lana. Of course Tempus wouldn't care that he's gone off and married someone else in this universe... his *real* wife is Lois, because their relationship is the bane of his existence.

I haven't exactly been on pins and needles waiting for them to figure out they both worked at the Daily Planet, because, okay, haha, funny coincidence, but it doesn't really matter to their lives today. But when he goes to her and tells her he needs to go back to deal with Tempus... this I can't wait to see! (I think I've been dealing pretty well with the gaps between parts, but now I'm on edge!)