I disagree, rkn. Deep inside Kent is a hero and without fighting the fight, allowing Tempus to win, and without making sure that Lana and the baby are okay, he'll never be able to be truly happy. He'll always wonder if he did the right thing, and these doubts will eat into his happiness with Lois. He's too good inside to just leave the world to fall into decay and not try to do anything about it. That's the curse of heroes. They do what they ought to (should) do, and rarely what they want to do, especially when it comes to their private life. The greater good always wins out. frown

Whether or not Clark's powers return, I believe he would go back to Metropolis to find out the truth. If his powers came back, it would be a quicker trip, though.

Due to Romeric's jealousy over Kent and Lois, I worry when the two of them go off together. He tried to sabotage Lois and Clark's relationship by telling Maddy about their almost kiss. While his actions and motives may be pure, I find I cannot trust him. Plus, I also worry whenever Clark goes to the river. The river is where Lois dumped the Kryptonite, which means he could become exposed to it again.

I love Lois's impatience. I give her credit for trying to see things from his POV, but it always comes back to what she wants in the end. clap So, Lois.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.