Aww, it has been much too long since I've read a LaraMoon fic! Reminds me of the good old days. I'm excited to get back to it. Allons-y!

- Jessi, for her never-ending encouragement, and for lending me
her room while I was in Anchorage (most of Chapter 1 was written
You know you're welcome here any time, hon! It's a different room now, but that might be perfect for a different story.

Things the rest of the universe was not permitted to know that
Clark Kent felt and certainly didn't believe that Superman could
feel or even experience. Having someone around who he could talk
to was the most precious gift he could ever have asked for.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love it when Clark acknowledges how great it is for him to have someone to talk to? Because I really love it a lot. And that last sentence gives me sniffles.

He hadn't been seen for a few days, but that
wasn't altogether uncommon for someone whose strongest asset was
hiding in the shadows.
Makes me giggle every time.

All that mattered was
Clark. And for a short, much too short moment, the rest of the
world melted away; there was no one else, there was no asteroid,
and this wasn't goodbye.
*Melts* So bitter-sweet and beautiful.

It wasn't his strength
or his speed - or even the fact that he could fly. It was his
kindness, his values, his heart that made him who he was. His
constant optimism, his unshakable belief in the goodness of
people, his aspiration to make the world a better place.
The perfect way to sum up the perfect man. This is everything I love about Clark!

Even stranger was the fact that he didn't have any clothes on,
save for an odd, yellow belt with compartments on it that
contained several utility objects like a knife and some sort of
throwing weapons shaped like bats.
This mental image, though. rotflol

One thing was quickly starting to become
very clear - who ever he was, he had some sort of bat fetish!
rotflol rotflol

This, he thought to himself as he sprinted towards the source of
the commotion, sounds like a job for Batman!
Haha, yep! It's all coming back to him now.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I was just thinking that if the DoD had
been anything near as determined as you are, they'd have been
digging through my garden days ago. Do come in, Miss Lane. This
is one story I'm sure you're going to want to hear."
Yay! I love Bruce and Lois interaction. They're both so stubborn and cunning. Clark definitely has a type in best friends.

But neither the way she
felt in his arms, nor her perfume, or even the brush of her lips
on his skin seemed familiar.
Heartbreaking, but an absolutely beautiful line.

You look kind of nice in gray,
though, you know.
Not the charcoal suit she had in mind?

"I'm sorry. I... Please don't cry," he whispered softly. "It
hurts me to see you hurting like this. You have no idea how I
wish I remembered. Will you help me remember? About Superman.
And me. Help me remember you, too. I want to remember you. I...
feel things for you that I don't understand. I need to remember
*Sniffles* This totally makes me tear up. So sweet, with so much longing.

He smiled and shook his head. "You... don't drink your coffee
with real milk and real sugar," he stated, his expression one of
concentrated thought. "You keep a supply of Double Fudge Crunch
chocolate bars in your desk, thinking no one knows they're
there. There are five different locks on the door to your
apartment, but you keep the window wide open..."
So great. The absolute best way he could have told her that he remembered.

Sorry for the really long review, but I was super excited to re-read this. It's got the perfect balance of fluff and angst and action and just a ton of fun! It's got pretty much all of my favorite characters (Martha, Jonathan, Tim, Bruce), and you handle them all so well.

A great trip down memory lane. I'm going to have to read more of your stuff. wink

"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller