I was very curious/excited to read this story. I haven't read many stories so far that have cross-over characters, and I didn't know how it would appeal to me--someone who is reading foremost for the interaction of Lois and Clark, and hopefully for a kiss or two smile ...Final verdict=loved it!!!

Clark looked up at her and tried to crack a weak smile. Ever
since Lois had figured out that he was Superman, Clark had
gradually allowed himself to let out some of the thoughts and
feelings - when he was with her - that he otherwise kept locked
up deep inside. His fears, and sometimes, even his failures.
Things the rest of the universe was not permitted to know that
Clark Kent felt and certainly didn't believe that Superman could
feel or even experience. Having someone around who he could talk
to was the most precious gift he could ever have asked for.
--I really liked how the story started off and especially this early paragraph. It was great seeing their connection and the lack of a secret between them. The last sentence summed up wonderfully why this was such a special thing for Clark to finally have...

So what if the entire world saw her do it? The rest of the world
didn't matter much to her right now. All that mattered was
Clark. And for a short, much too short moment, the rest of the
world melted away; there was no one else, there was no asteroid,
and this wasn't goodbye.

"I've got to go," he told her, reluctantly breaking the kiss.
--Got one of the kisses I'm always hoping to see thumbsup . I loved how she probably shouldn't have kissed him in front of the world like that---BUT....she did it anyway smile

Slowly, she walked to her bedroom and let herself drop on the
bed. Soon, her body was racked with sobs.

The sun had been up for almost a full hour by the time
exhaustion got the better of Lois and she finally drifted to
--Hate to see Lois in such a sad state, but it was done in a really good way. You could really feel what she was going through--and it kept me reading to get them back together clap

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~