Darth Michael: I'm feeling good about my chances of catching up. smile1 Oh, crap. The fates just heard me, didn't they? eek
LOIS: Finally, I started to worry that the aria would never end.
LEX: Umm… Lois, Darling…?

Or the Lex-clone had gotten loose and determined that making love would be the best way to distract from their current situation.
Maybe Lois sneezed and he went to bring her a tissue.

[surprised that someone is moving in on Clark's territory]
BATMAN: What? Fuentes didn't say anything about me.

PERRY: Don’t worry, Lois. With the bomb taped to your chest like that, you won’t feel a thing when it goes off. Hush Hush…
Nah, it was more like....
PERRY: If this was really dangerous, he wouldn't have been carrying it around all night. Clark will return any minute and... Oh, lookie, Superman's here. Gotta go! [Linked Image]

Yes, but that would have endangered the criminal.
LOIS: Oh, he better not even *think* about going there!
LEX: /sigh/ She's so wonderful, isn't she?

He could also have carried a piece of metal and decapitated Remy on the way through.
SUPERMAN: /pulls out dos and don'ts and hands list to ER/ Don't 'Kill'. Do 'Lois'. Hey, I didn't write that there.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

What if he cut Lois’s dress open on the backside and the armpits and took dress and bomb away?
SUPERMAN: But that would leave Lois semi-naked and me elsewhere with a bomb.
LOIS: /wryly/ Sounds about how things usually end up with us.

“Perhaps, at one time, but now I’d worry he’d try to steal…”
Lois. Yeah, I can see why he’d prefer a son.
I'm sorry. What? confused

LOIS: [starts to dial Dr. Friskin's number]
LEX: I don't know. That sounds like what 'exclusive' means to me, except that the woman is supposed to be the one who dates other guys.

LOIS: [has GREAT idea] I’ll get a bigger bed. We can share.
CLARK: I don't want to sleep with True Clark.
LOIS: Who said anything about sleeping?

Oh dear. /waits for him to stutter apologies/
For never touching her chest the way she wanted?

Awww… that’s what his mouth is for.
SUPERMAN: Uh... can I get rid of the bomb first?

Shouldn’t that be ‘settle down with an accountant and sell coffee and books’?
LOIS: Now, that *does* sound better than having all those kids.

Ralph finds himself out of a job and has to start selling insurance policies door to door.
LOIS: I didn't say "any" insurance salesman.

I think Lex will have to claim that he got drugged and stuff while up there if Lex-C keeps that up.
Well, he just got shot.
LEX: I was in shock and had no idea what I was saying.
LEX-C: Yes, I ... /gets sock stuffed in mouth/

BOB: We’ve got an 10-79-L.
SRGT: /rolleyes/ Can’t Superman handle it? Last time I dealt with a 10-79-L, she kicked me where it hurts when I accidently touched her below the armpit while disarming the bomb.
BOB: That’s why you’re supposed to wear a cup in your supporter when answering a 10-79-L. Don’t they teach you youngsters anything in Police training these days?
rotflol That's great!

“Well, for the moment,” Bill replied with a slight chuckle.
ER: [agrees] Just give it a couple of days.
HENDERSON: Days? Yeah, sure. If you think she'll last that long.

Scared what Lex-0 will do to him otherwise?
LEX-C: [Linked Image] Plus, I was promised I could kiss her when I returned her to her doorstep. If I don't do that, then I don't get the kiss.
LOIS: [Linked Image] I'm not kissing you.

I think that should be a semi-colon instead of a comma.
Thanks. Fixed.

Maybe a comma after ‘her’.
This one too. Thanks.

Some virginal sacrifice?
CAT: /looks around/ Nope. Don't see any virgins here.

Copier Guy? But why would he show up?
PHIL: I heard that there was a bomb in your copier room and I rushed right over.

So, he’s got some big screw drivers in his toolbelt?
CAT: [Linked Image] Maybe.
PHIL: [Linked Image]

I thought he had gone back to Houston?
Soon, not yet.

Is she going to get arrested for indecent exposure?
Depends on who's car it is.
JIMMY: I'll just wait while you finish up.
RALPH: Me, too.
WALLY: And me.
EDUARDO: Cat, get off my car. Guys, grow up.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.