“In that case, I need to return to her,” Lex said.
What type of craziness is he exhibiting.

How romantic. He left her side when she was strapped with a bomb, but as soon as it was gone…
smile1 he is being exposed as the coward he is.

“Mr. Luthor, sir, it appears as if you could use some medical attention,” said the paramedic, appearing out of nowhere and stepping between Lex and the door to the Daily Planet.
Is this Asabi?

“She’s my date, my responsibility. I need to see her home.”
He has no sense of reality.

The stress of what Lex had lived through must have broken Lex’s normally calm shell.
So Cat has decided this is the real Lex and not an imposter?

“Me?” he gasped, sounding startled. “You couldn’t mean me. I’m not married.”
dance I was right. Oh wait, we already knew that.

“Yeah, my sisters and their families,” Phil said, rolling his eyes. “I’m just kooky Uncle Ph…”
I was totally right.

When they were alone, he wasn’t even acting differently now while in uniform.
Has he not recalled fully how to act differently, does he just lack the will, or does Lois just see more clearly?

How could he believe that she still didn’t know?
She still acts like he is two different people.

He must know that she knew. Why hadn’t he said anything? Why hadn’t she?
frown I was so hoping she would have admitted it fully.

How come it was perfectly all right for him to risk everything for her, but he wouldn’t even let her reciprocate?
He did let her stay behind in the clutches of the bad guys just now though.

Fine, he was the invulnerable one, but still…
He really needs to tell her about the other dimension and that Lois dieing.

Why did their relationship always have to be on his terms?
Now I think she is just being overly grumpy.

It was a nasty habit that she would break him of, if it were the last thing she did.
Some how I don't think things have been on his terms much for the last six months.

At least, he had been considerate enough to remember to cut her bindings before flying off.
When has he ever not been considerate?

Okay, perhaps she was being unfair.
dance Clark is there. No they can talk.

Lois pressed her lips together in annoyance. This whole façade of pretending her partner was two different people, even when they were alone, was way past old.
so just tell him you know.

“I was on the roof waiting for Superman to return from talking to the police. I saw him leave just now and realized that he had bypassed me. So, I ran back down to check on you,” Clark answered, glancing around. He had to know that this was his weakest excuse yet.
It sounds believable to me.

“No, because you kept picking the locks of the handcuffs,” he replied.

Smart aleck.
Actually, it seems logical to me, and was essentially the reason Remy gave.

Clark gazed at her for a moment as if with dumbfounded confusion, as if he had no idea what, when, where, or how she had told him that her date with Luthor was Clark’s punishment for not taking her to Smallville.
That makes her seem extremely petty, especially since he had good reasons to not risk her going back to jail.

Okay, that wasn’t exactly true, but if he wasn’t going to be honest with her, why should she be honest with him?
But he is honest about his relationships with her.

He caressed her jaw with the palm of his hand,
dance touching.

running his thumb across her cheek.
dance more touching.

Clark rested his head against hers and his hand shifted to the back of her neck. “Me, too,” he whispered, tilting his chin to bring his mouth closer to hers.
party he is going to tell her.

“Lois, the truth is I’m really…” Suddenly, he froze.
frown why did he freeze. Why do you keep doing this to us?

John Pack Lambert