Originally posted by Darth Michael:
PERRY: That was just a rumor! Elvis died in the shower.
ER: So, move Lex downstairs into the locker rooms?
LOIS: And exactly what reason would we give for Lex stopping by to shower at the DP before heading to the opera?
CLARK: Why would we want to cover up his death, anyway? It wasn't our fault. Fuentes shot him once, I'm sure we could convince him not to miss his head on the second shot.

LOIS: mad Belong? *Be-long?* [does impersonation of Volcano Valdez]

CLARK: Of course, Lois. You belong to yourself.
ER: He really hopes that will stave things off?
What is Clark really without his hopes and dreams?

ER: Ah, sounds like Cmd. Chakotai wasn’t too happy about the foobar.

EW: Foobar?

ER: /jist: bad stuff/ The military reference isn’t too family friendly, though.
So, Fuentes didn't like that his plan went foobar. Nope.
REMY: And you all thought *I* was the trigger happy one in the bunch.

LOIS: If you had told me, you could have stayed all night.
CLARK: [Eek!] Well, I don't want that!
ER: Commitment issues?
Follow through issues.
CLARK: Curse-phobia, actually.

Just means that maybe it will survive a higher fall and still be able to go boom. Although, maybe not. (able to go boom)
Well, for the context of this fictional story, let's just say it works, shall we? laugh

He’s not a very good terrorist, is he?
Terrorist Trainer: Yeah, I failed him in the martyrdom class. Twice. It’s only because his daddy donated half a ton of Mayan gold to the coffers…erm…cause, that I passed him.
LEX: /shakes head/ They really don't make good criminals nowadays. They completely don't understand the concept of 'no pain, no gain'. Minions used to be a dime a dozen too, willingly lay down their lives for the Boss, with little more than a promise of a big payout, but now they want to 'survive' and have 'pensions' and 'vacations' and it's all 'what's in it for me', not 'what can I do to please the Boss more?' /groans/ I'm so lucky to still have you, Mrs. Cox. Are you sure you can still take dictation in that position?
MRS. COX: Don't worry, I'm recording this whole conversation.
LEX: shock Et tu, Brute?
MRS. COX: Again, my name ISN'T Brutus and if you confuse me for a man again, your picture will be next to the definition of 'Foobar' in the Urban Dictionary. Got it?
LEX: [Linked Image]
LOIS: Hmmmm. I see what my problem was. He LIKES women who stand up to him. So, to chase him off I have to be all needy and compliant.
LEX: Ack! She wants me! There must be something wrong with her! [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.