Once Mr. Luthor knew that Asabi did as much as he could to rescue the Lex-Clone, he might be more lenient on Asabi for the blunder of letting it and Ms. Lane go to the Daily Planet at all.
Not having gone to the DP would have truly alienated Lois. I would hope. Although considering how Luthor was so dismissive towards Lois's work in canon and she seemed to not really react, it is hard to say.

Although, Asabi wasn’t sure exactly what he could have done otherwise.
He really had no option.

“No,” Lois said abruptly to his stupid question.
Lois:What got into Lex tonight. I guess he is really scared and not thinking straight.

“That guy shot Schumack,” Clark said, nodding towards Fuentes, but didn’t offer any explanation on how he knew this.
Lois:Clark, stop showing off, otherwise Luthor might figure out CK=SM.

The handcuff fell from Clark’s wrist, and Lois’s wide eyes jumped to Clark’s face.
Lois:Oh no. He is going to reveal himself, and then insist that I can't have any relationship with him at all. This is horrible.

Clark took a step forward, straining against the other handcuff,
I'm surprised he didn't break it.

“Put them back in the pen with the others,” Fuentes clarified. “I don’t need the stench of their dead bodies distracting me.”
Interesting line. I still think he is hoping to avoid a murder on his rap sheet.

Clark turned Lois away from the door and wrapped his arms back around her as if they were still in the pretzel position that Remy had cuffed them in.
hyper for Fuentes not being as trigger happy as Remy.

It suddenly made a lot more sense to her than it had done before why Clark or Superman, or whoever was his true self, needed to have that other persona.
hyper sounds like a good idea. Although, this would require convincing Clark the curse is not a threat.

On the other hand, if she and Clark were off making love on a deserted island,
hyper this sounds like a fun story.

Perry and the Jimmys would be dealing with these psychos on their own,
But if Superman is not there to get caught, couldn't he respond better.

and Superman wouldn’t have been around to save Secretary Wallace’s life when Carpenter tried to off him for a headline the previous day.
dance finally a mention of a Superman save. Did Lois manage not to get caught by Carpenter this time. Although I am thinking that getting almost caught in Carpenter's office might be a good time for Lois to reveal she knows.

Lois:Clark, just lift us both up to the ceiling so no one sees us.

Clark: shock

John Pack Lambert