Originally posted by VirginiaR:
A new Mouse fic!
/instantly suspicious/ grumble

LOIS: You should have seen your father when he first started rescuing me, day after day after day. We kept practicing until he was able to do it without anyone figuring out he was Clark Kent. We still do it from time to time, to keep up his skills tight.
evil I thought he would be. The people who love you the most are most often also the ones who tease you the most.

There we go. An invulnerable man with a germ-phobia. Mouse, my cheeks are hurting from laughing so hard. That's just cruel. Poor Jonathan. He has a while to go before he's ready for the suit.
Oh yeah. The suit is coming, but definitely gotta work out some kinks, too...

Fun little story. I'm glad you can see the humor in your life enough to share it with us. I did get a bit confused at first and threw me through a loop there. I guess I missed some of the verbal clues about Lois being "his mother" and Jonathan being a "young man" earlier (I discovered them on second read). Oooops. I'm going back under my rock now.
Haha, no problem! Glad you enjoyed (and I know you're not the only one who got confused, so don't worry!).

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain