Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
I love it!

Jonathan actually reminds me in some ways of my son. Many people on the autism spectrum, my son included, share some traits with people with OCD, namely an extreme attention to details and a need for everything to be "just so."

I would definitely love to see more of this universe. Perhaps a prequel which covers Jonathan's initial diagnosis and his parents coming to terms with it. Perhaps a story showing how his nascent powers affected him. (Although there are plenty of "L&C's kid comes of age as his/her powers emerge" stories, this one would really stand out, since the others don't deal with OCD.) And, of course, there's always the "first public appearance as a superhero" story to be written.
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it so much. smile I'm definitely not severe in my symptoms, but certain things get to me more than others. The counting thing (where he knows the exact number of shells and such) is kind of taken from my brother. When he was like eight years old he was confused as to why we didn't realize there were a total of 80 some-odd buttons on the top of the curtains in our whole house. He thought everybody counted things. He also does the tapping thing sometimes, when he's upset or anxious about something. :p I'm more obsessed with organizing and perfecting things. Nobody in our house is allowed to touch the movie drawers, for example, because I reorganize it whenever it hits me. Also, I struggle with being able to actually do things-- if I don't think I can do it right, then I won't do it at all; if I'm two minutes late to class, I might as well not go at all, and then it spirals into depression, etc...

Anyway. I hadn't even considered a prequel one, that might be good. I did have the first use of powers in the costume one planned, but unfortunately I'm not sure when I'll get to those. huh Time is unfortunately short right now...

Glad you liked!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain