Hi mozartmaid. We do tend to go on about our roads, don't we? Yes, it's correct for Dean to get on the 134, which does run into the 101. Truly the 101 is an Interstate like the I-5 and the I-15. I'm assuming this Dean lives out toward the ocean.
Go to Bing or Mapquest and you can see for yourself. Find Warner Bros. Studios (you'll get 6 answers, but pick #1) and then do directions to Malibu, Ca and you'll see what we are talking about.
Here's another hint. Odd numbered Interstates go north and south (mostly) and even numbered west to east. I-10, I-40, I-70, I-80, I-90 cross the US. Off ramps are numbered by the miles from the south border of a state to the north border and then start over at the next state line. Similarly off ramps are numbered sequentially from the west coast (or state border) to the east.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis