Ok guys: I've gone back and made some changes to one description and one line of dialogue, and properly formatted everything with bold and italics. Thanks for catching typos and helping me improve the story. :3

Now, on to the comment replies!


So glad you're enjoying the story, especially the characterization of Cat! I'm trying to do here what I felt like they should have done in the show, if they hadn't been playing her so much for laughs/she'd gotten more screen time. And I think there's an opportunity to show a different side of her here because Clark is Clara. In canon, Clark was always put off by Cat's blatant pursuit of him, and Lois and Cat had something of a rivalry, so Lois wouldn't really have gotten to know Cat that well.

Where, oh where did she pick up that language? At Great-(great-great-)aunt May's?
XD Clara tells me that her mother is a member of the Smallville Red Hat Lady Society, and Clara occasionally plays bridge with them.

Now don't you get any ideas, missy. Luthor is scary with a capital S. And probably a capital C, too.
This cracked me up. smile1 </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glad you're enjoying it!! laugh And I don't plan on writing past the first season at the moment, so draw what conclusions you will from that...

Louis, I think I can say without really spoiling anything, is going to fall head over heels for Superwoman, and land pretty hard on his face! XD I'm not really sure yet what Lex is going to think. I think I'm just going to have to write the scenes and see what happens. On the one hand, he'll dislike her for the same reasons he disliked Superman - she's as powerful in her own way as Lex is, and she could pose a lot of problems to Lex's criminal empire. But on the other, he might react differently to her being a woman.... Actually, now that I think about it, I think he'll actually hate her more. He's never let gender stop him from crushing other women in his way - Baines, Tony Taylor, etc. - and I think Superwoman being female might actually enrage him more, since he seems to view women mostly as trophies/conquests.

But I think things will go very differently after a while, because in this reality it's Clara he wants, rather than Lois. I'm toying with the idea of having him discover the dual identity in the final episode, because I'm really not sure if his desire for Clara would override his hatred of Superwoman, but I'd like to find out. But again, I think that's probably just going to be something I play by ear.

Trask I don't think will react any differently. He just hates aliens, plain and simple. Though he might think Clara's motivations are different, since she's female. Rather than a conquest by force, he may theorize that she's the advance guard for a race of aliens who want to capture males and breed with them or something, because they ran out of guys on their home world. He'll still want to kill her at any cost, and he'll probably be even nastier to Louis and keep calling him like the Father of Mutants or something, and think that Louis has been chosen to be Superwoman's mate. Which can lead to an interesting conversation, because Louis can bring it up, and Clara will probably just be like >_> because she does want to date Louis.

Thanks for reading laugh New part will be up mid next week.

Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk:
I like the interaction between Luthor and Clara. I can see him wanting to pursue her, but I hope she doesn't fall for it.

On a totally unrelated note, I've got a question for you, Pris. What does the emoticon you keep using mean? :3 It makes me think of a cat face, but I've never seen anyone use that before, so I'm not sure I'm looking at it right.
Thanks! I think I'm going to have fun with Lex and Clara. I think it's going to turn into something like the Lois-Clark-Mason triangle from S2, at least before Clara realizes Lex is up to no good. ^_~

In case you missed it, I answered your question about the :3 emoticon a few comments up. ^_^


Thanks for reading and for all your detailed comments! I'm so glad you enjoy the story so much. Your enthusiasm keeps me just as enthusiastic. laugh laugh laugh laugh

This way she does not have to change her purse once she marries Louis. Hmm, this leads me to think, Superwoman having a child might cause some problems not posed to Superman. I mean, if she wants to keep her identity secret, she would probably want to not be seen in public for a while. Being pregnant at the same time as Clara Kent would be too suspicious. Not to mention the outrage about a pregnant out-of-wedlock superhero.
I've actually thought about that too. It would probably have to be something like, she would announce that she was traveling to a different planet and would be back in around a year, and in the mean time some of her friends from the Justice League would be filling in. It's always been my head canon that Clark joined the Justice League some time during S2 of the show, since he mentions Gotham City in early S3. I might even pull a few Justice League mentions into this series... But of course, if anything happened that only Superwoman could possibly handle, then Clara would probably show up, pregnant and all, and eventually have to answer questions. And oh man, probably everyone and their dad would be claiming that they were the father, and the tabloids would be alternating between saying it was Louis Lane, who had clearly cheated on his wife, or like... Batman. Because Batman.

This sounds like the one from That Old Gang of Mine.
That's exactly what I was thinking! laugh

This is the best explanation of the lenses I have ever seen.
I actually can't take credit for that. It's pretty common fanon for most Superman fanfiction I've read.

Lou: no I won't, I will bury the message.
Lol, pretty much! XD

Thanks again so much for all your comments! laugh I'm not going to answer anything else specifically right now, because I don't want to ~give it all away~ ^_~

One time, I met Dean Cain. He picked me up and joked it wasn't too late for me to marry Superman. It was awesome.