Thanks to all the gentle readers who sampled this little exercise. Truth of the matter, I never really intended there to be much of a plot. I started out just writing something that would allow me to mesh the characters of two of my favorite shows. The original title was actually 'Trip to Metropolis'.

As it progressed I felt I wanted to show the 'growth' that Kate and Rick have gone through and needed a reason for Lois to come to New York. I now have established a 'couples' dynamic between the two shows for any future endevor I may wish to take.

For those few of you who aren't familiar with the show you can get a good feel for the show by checking out some of the hundreds of clips posted by fans on youtube. You can spend literally hours sampling various scenes from over the years of the show.

It's sort of funny, but I watched Lois and Clark when it first came out and enjoyed the show, but didn't really geek on it until I started seeing the TNT reruns every day. It has been similar with Castle. I have seen nearly all (if not all) of the episodes as they have aired, but when TNT started doing major back to back reruns I really got turned on to how good the show actually was. Seeing them again allowed me to pick up on all the excellant writing. The ongoing subtext, banter, and little asides really made the characters real and allowed you along for the ride.

I really geeked out when I bought the DVDs and spend some serious time in Castle marathon watching (of which I'm not completely over yet).

All I can say is, for me, this is the best entertainment currently on television and I hope it lasts for another 100 episodes.

Tank (who does have issues with Detective Beckett's hair over the years but it would be too much to get into here)