Where does one begin?

Tank I have read a number of your stories, but this one breaks new ground.

"Seriously? There are cases she was involved in that are now used at the academy to teach undercover and infiltration techniques." A smile found its way onto Beckett's face. "I've always wanted to meet her. She's kind of a hero of mine."
This tells me that Lois Lane is now an icon for young women breaking the glass ceiling. It is a realistic look at where her life is headed, so it's not a surprise to hear Kate Beckett looks up to her.

Beckett laughed. "Seriously, what independent woman trying to make her way in a male dominated profession hasn't heard of the crusading reporter Lois Lane? You are something of an idol to all of us."
See? A point of fact, Lois Lane has been an icon for a lot of little girl's in the 70's, such as myself.

Kate swallowed as she hesitated answering Lois’ question. In the short time they’d been talking she was really starting to like the beautiful reporter. Even in her early forties Lois Lane was stunning. Her short dark hair framed a face that still hadn’t yet seen the onset of wrinkles that came with aging. She could easily pass for a contemporary of Kate’s.
So nice to know she has aged gracefully.

But where are Lois and Clark's children? According to this story, they don't have any or they were not mentioned?

Kate turned a watched as a gorgeous hunk of manhood approached their table. Except for a pair of stylish glasses, he was the poster boy for ‘tall, dark, and handsome; and the glasses didn’t get in the way in the least. Kate knew immediately who it was and suddenly she was very jealous of Lois.

He grinned. “NYPD Detective Kate Beckett. I have it on very good authority that they don’t get much more real than her, and I feel confident in saying that she’s a good friend of mine.”

Her smile was warm and genuine. “Yeah, I guess you could say that, but don’t spread it around, I wouldn’t want to undermine my reputation.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”
Excellent dialogue between Kate and Richard. They are perfect together in a very different way from Lois and Clark.

Part Two

Could not comment on One without a few words about Two!

Her years as a cop had been tumultuous to say the least. At first, her mother’s murder had been her driving focus. It occupied her entire being for years. It nearly tore her apart. She went down that rabbit hole and almost didn’t come back. It took all her strength and a fair amount of therapy to let it go. At least enough to be able to function back in the real world.
Oh, what an episode that was when she confronted her Mom's killer. My heart was in my mouth, especially when Rick, Javi and Kevin were racing to find her!

No, Lois realized that she could no longer be first with the story so she had to settle for being the best. Television and the internet were unsurpassed at the breaking headline, but that is all they did. It was up to her and institutions like the Daily Planet to give the public the complete, in-depth look behind the headline. That’s where newspapers could still excel, and as long as there were people to buy it, she was going to do her damnest to give them her best.
It is a sad fact that newspapers are struggling these days. But only the most hardy, such as the NYTimes and Washington Post survive. They do so because they are the very best at what they do. Reading the NYTimes on Sunday is still one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Lois is to her teeth and toenails a print journalist and we would have her and Clark no other way. I am very glad you brought this out. LnC firmly in the 21st century.

Kate shrugged. “You have to understand. Captain Gates doesn’t like Castle. She was forced into accepting him through the insistence of the mayor, who does like Castle. Over the years she as grudgingly come to accept that Castle is actually an integral part of my team. The fact we have the best case closure rate in the city allows her to let things continue the way they have. She’s loosened up some, seeing firsthand how valuable Castle has been, but she still doesn’t like him.”
'Iron' Gates. Never liked her character. Really miss Captain Montgomery, with all of his faults.

“I flew with Superman!” He whispered fiercely. “It was so awesome!”
Rick Castle said it best, this was frigging awesome!!!!

You gotta write some more!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.