/imagines Virginia looking like this: dizzy /
I did. Now I look like this: [Linked Image] Luckily, I don't have to be well to type. wink

Actually… /googles/ Okay, didn’t find a clear indicator it’s mainly for models, but it was a trend at least in the 1990 in China.
That's sad. Almost as sad a foot binding of the previous century.

But only after she pleased Clark in ways she would later be going into, right? RIGHT? Like a Mantis?
LOIS: I'd rather not bite his head off, thank you. If he pleases me, I might let him live.

Tan him and can him? Literally? (he brought his mother’s canning equipment with him when he moved here)
Ewww. How Silence of the Lambs.

Right. Works much better the other way ‘round.
CAT: That's right. If he's out of jail, I just have to wait for Lois to break his heart and that should be coming up right about...

/Points at Appendix D of her employment contract/ Lois, did you not read the contract before signing it?
LOIS: <Scoffing> It's not like it was a legal contract. I signed it "Lola Dane".

Yeah, but would he call them ‘folks’?
JONATHAN: I don't know Superman well enough to know if he would refer to his parents as folks.

/whispers/ Happenings in Part 44.
[Linked Image]But that considered spoilage. [Linked Image]

One of Wendy’s. B-plot story. Lots of cute fun. It’s on your list.
I'll have to look that one up. While flipping around the Archive earlier I found that ML Thompson wrote a story about a ghost Clark ("Out of Time"). I'll have to read that (or download it to my Nook and add it to my list) to see how similar it is to Another Lois. Have you read that one? [Linked Image]

So, when are they going to talk about the Kryptonian in the room?
Later, when Thomas isn't there. [Linked Image]

I know that I’m not. So… You are?
EW: <Skeptical expression> You're not trying to get me to write 200 parts?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.