John: I'm sure it's high on Perry's to-do list to let his star reporter fly out to Kansas to check up on her partner. wink She does have real stories she's working on.

Well, I guess I just have to say it is a good think that this Clark has not waited as long as Canon-Clark to ask Lois out. Really how little they actually dated before getting engaged is one of the weird things about the TV show. Even if we assume that a few weeks go between "Whine, Whine, Whine" and "And the Answer Is", it seems not much.
Alt-Clark's reason for being in Metropolis is a different than canon Clark's. Actually on the show Lois and Clark started dating during "The Phoenix" when he asked her out on the date. They just didn't become exclusive until "WWW".

I guess if we assume WWW fits when it was shown, and ATAI is in September at the beganing of the next season, since we have to allow for the summer break somehow when they have negative time between the end of season 2 and the start of season 3, Clark proposing to Lois after they have been steadily dating for about 3 months, with a few dates before that at least makes sense.
He was planning on telling Lois at the end of WWW, and then you think he's put it off for three months (between WWW and ATAI?) before finally deciding he NEEDS to tell her only to get that call from his barber? That seems a bit like Clark, but I'm going with they've already known each other for two years at this point and dated a few times since the Phoenix. Clark's waiting until marriage for sex, so he wants it to happen as soon as possible as opposed to date her for another year in case another man sweeps her off her feet in the meantime?

Still, it does not make sense that he did not ask her out more in Season 1.
Working on his career. Lois told him in no uncertain terms "Don't fall for me, farmboy." So he's waiting for them to grow closer until he makes his move (another reason he's still a virgin until S4.)

Luthor does not really go on any dates with her between the pilot and PML.
Lex invited Lois to lunch in Neverending Battle but she canceled it to chase Superman. Then they reschedule in ILTY. He offers Lois his help during "Requiem" and I think asks her to accompany him. Her rush to his arms calling him "hero" points to Lex asking her on more dates after that. He does drop by her apartment past visiting hours during 'Crush' and expresses his interest. I've always wondered why she accepts the date with Luthor in PML after he's such a creepy businessman cutting corners and endangering Metropolis in MoSB.

In fact the more I think about it, the more it seems that he should at least ask her out at some point in "Smart Kids".
He's thrown off because Lois indicates she doesn't like kids?

Someone might point out that is just after "I'Ve Got a Crush on You", when Clark throws Lois under the bus by exposing her cover. However Lois seems to have forgotten about that in "Smart Kids" and in "Green, Green Glow of Home" she may disrespect Clark, but is not treating him as a coniving traitor.
It's amazing what a little attracation can help you forgive. But she likes it when he does things like that to her. (Remember the Sewage Rec. Facility?)

If there is one issue with Season 1 it is that the shows do not build much on each other. Missing Clark is much more internally linked than Season 1.
Missing Clark? huh You mean her flashbacks? They are kind-of atuned to what's going on in her life at the moment.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.