Originally posted by John Lambert:
I think it should just be "that allowing". The "by" sets up a line like "I am undermining my chances with her as Clark" but he never says anything like that.
You know, that line always felt off to me, but I could never pinpoint why. Thanks! Problem solved.

On another note it is ironic that Clark thinks canon Clark kept his feelings "secret from her", when in fact canon Clark kissed Lois as SM, danced with Lois as SM and generally romanced her more as SM before she knew the truth more than this Clark has done so far.
Yes, Clark makes many assumptions (many untrue) about canon Clark and Lois's relationship. evil

“I don’t understand,” Wells said. “How can you have a relationship with Ms. Lane without telling her that you’re Superman?”

JOHN: Hey Canon Clark even proposed to her before telling her. Anyway Wells seems to be really out of it. Lois and Clark had already dated when he first met them, and he does know that Clark had not yet told Lois that he was SM. It almost seems that Wells is trying to put stumbling blocks in Clark's way that he knows never existed for canon Clark.

I guess he does then admit that canon Clark did the same thing. Still, I don't think it would make any sense for Clark to have told Lois super early. This is a big secret that needs a high threshold for telling, and being in love with a person is not a high enough threshold.
Says the man begging me every part "Just tell her already!" laugh

Just because Herb knows that canon Clark didn't tell Lois, doesn't mean he understands the logic behind his actions.

I think that should be "possibly be wrong".
Yep, you're right again! Thanks.

I will now run for cover since I dared post statements claiming Lois was wrong, even if they are her words.
LOIS: Liar! I didn't say that. It was taken out of context! Those aren't... oh, yeah, that's right. I was using reverse psychology on Clark. It worked too, didn't it? laugh

You don't need the "not" since he said "nor", so it is already a negative statement.
No? peep Just joking. Thanks.

I think it should just be "cyborg boxers".
Yeah, a little too many plurals there. Thanks.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.