Oh dear. /imagines Virginia teetering on the edge of hair-pulling/
A bit. But luckily you're saved by the fact that I'm terribly addicted to FDK, so I have to keep posting those parts on a regular basis.

ER: Clark hasn’t had any ‘contact’ for many many moons. It’s now enough to simply mention stuff for certain things to happen.
LOIS: I hope not!

Lois isn’t good. She’s naughty.
CLARK: I have no idea what you're talking about. Lois is a good girl. Cat is naughty. Lois can only be considered naughty if she's fed pasta to more than one man recently, which she hasn't, so I'm going to go with 'good'. Hence 'all good things come to those who wait.'

LOIS: I'm tired of waiting, can I be naughty now?

CLARK: No! I mean, yes! No! Yes! Argh!

LOIS: laugh

H.G. Wells. The soon deceased again writer.
CLARK: I'd like to see him try and take me without my say-so. Oh, wait, *that's* what you meant. clap

/thought ‘Lois’ first, but wait, how does Rachel appreciate being called a ‘cowgirl’? Or was that Lana?
[Linked Image]

There has been an unfortunate incident with Jimmy getting something stuck on the last camping trip.

So, three monkeys in a rocket ship?
If the rocket doesn't kill them, they'll end up killing each other.

Indirectly? She likes Clark. She must notice bitca Lois. She’s bound to figure it out.
Maybe. Do you think she'll mention it to Clark?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.