Well, she’s not married, so scratch ‘Wednesday’. She’s not a newlywed, so scratch ‘that look’. Hmm…leaves the ‘itch’
Cat also uses "Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday", and "Friday" as well.

/wonders if that will get through Lois’s preconceptions/ Hmm… Nah…
Well, Clark defended Cat to Lois, so Cat felt like it was about time she spelled it out in small words to Lois.

Lois: “Huh? What? I didn’t- I mean, of course, I knew. Do you think I’m galactically stupid or something?”
That's what it says on the bathroom wall of the men's room.

No, it’s only against her ‘don’t cheat on Superman’ rule. It superseded all the others. Maybe she should explain *that* one to Cat.
Cat, of course, is only referring to Lois's 3 rules. Don't get involved with a story, get there first, and don't sleep with a co-worker.

But it’s so much more fun on her birthday, and then a repeat performance during the pheromone situation, after a period of silence.
I'm driving you crazy, aren't I? whinging But we're moving into the section inspired by Sue's story... actually, not the plot so much as the distraction from the plot... the plot was there BEFORE I started reading Sue's story.

I just realized: Lois most likely got shot in the rear end. That kind of injury is perfect for comedic relieve. /hopes Clark buys Lois a donut/
Not the foot, not the butt. Sorry, no Forrest Gump anologies. Strike two.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.