“Come on in; it’s open,” he called, figuring whoever it was would be friendly, being that his neighborhood was known more for being where the criminals lived, not worked.

“I got a call this evening from my father. He wanted to check up on Jimmy Olsen, who had been beaten up by Tommy ‘The Torturer’ Garrison,” Lucy said, stating the facts he already knew.
She must have gone bonkers over that.

I couldn’t believe that Lois hadn’t called me.”
How inconsiderate of her sister to not inform her that her boyfriend’s cousin has been beaten to a pulp.

“I care because I’ve been dating Jimmy all summer!” she retorted.

Jimmy was glad to see she wasn’t the dullest knife in the drawer.
Well, her sister lets her use her wet-stone once in a while.

She must be an angel.
-> evil

“Do you want to watch that new show about the colonists on that underwater submarine?”
SeaQuest DSV? The timeline would fit. But they weren’t colonists.

“Are you flirting with me?” Lucy teased, pointing a finger at him. Nope, there was no fooling a Lane woman.
She’s adorable!

“Hey! What’s going on here?”
Umm…beat up seconds?

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I go by Michael on the Archives.