OK, I just found Virginia's link to the complete guide to the L&C characters that explains who the other Henderson is.

I had totally forgotten about the guy who explains to them about what is going on with the explosion until I re-watched the episode last week, and even then I had no clue that that was Henderson. I knew TVtropes made comments about Henderson getting a race lift, but I had never understood them until just now.

Lois looked at him with a glare, and he wondered what he had done now. Was it just another echo from her anger about Cat? If she didn’t care if he slept with the whole MetNet cheer squad, why was she mad about Cat?
Clark needs to learn that most of Lois's claims are entirely false. Her claims to not care who he sleeps with are one of her forms of protesting too much. Although I guess since her protestations to having not slept with Superman were true, maybe protesting too much is not always a sign of guilt. However excessive claims of not caring are often a sign of really caring.

Now that I understand who Detective Henderson is things will make a little more sense.

John Pack Lambert