A hopeless Superman was no one’s hero.

He would also get a chance to safely woo a Lois Lane as himself, not some celebrity hero.
Sounds like he's going to hold to the original (i.e. Canon) Clark's POV with regard to the "real self." Of course this means things are going to be difficult with her for a time.

Clark wouldn’t be stealing this dimension’s Lois from this dimension’s Clark, because this dimension’s Kal-El had died when his spaceship had crashed to Earth.

If Clark was able to win this new Lois’ heart, he would be free and clear to love her without fear that someday the rightful Clark from this dimension would show up and call foul!
OMG, can you imagine that???? I'm having a hard time visualizing the resulting situation. Probably because what I'm seeing feels so out of character for the two of them.

Well, actually the Superman Foundation had purchased the land. Clark Kent had no personal money anymore. He sighed with a shake of his head. Another facet of what his life had become.
It sounds like he's going to be happy that he can finally have control over his own cash. That's definitely an interesting facet to have to deal with.

Not only were these streets cleaner, the air fresher, and there were fewer guns in the hands of ordinary citizens, not one person asked to have their photo taken with him. Not one person asked for an autograph. No one asked for help or even for directions. Not one person stopped him. It was pure unadulterated bliss.
Ah yes, the anonymity that Canon Clark enjoyed and Alt-Clark probably will never take for granted.

In his dimension, the safest bank with the best security was the National Bank of New Troy, so using his ID and social security number from his home dimension, a tactical error he hoped wouldn’t come back to bite him on his behind, he opened checking and savings accounts, and rented a safety deposit box.
I guess it's better to learn that now than after you've applied for the Daily Planet after all.

In the privacy of the little room for people adding items to their safety deposit boxes, he changed out of the one and only blue Suit that he had brought with him. He shut it and the rest of his gold into the box. Then he did the most difficult and freeing thing he had done all day: Clark handed the box to the attendant and watched him lock it in the vault and return his key.
No pressure of the suit to remind him of how different he actually is from the rest of the world.

What if this dimension needed him – Superman him – tonight, this weekend, while the bank was closed? He wouldn’t be able to access the Suit.
Superman's taking a week off. Probably for longer than the Canon Clark went between a day off.

This dimension and his dimension shared the same history until roughly the mid-1800s, at which time something changed and the two dimensions’ histories diverged. Should he ever get bored – and Clark chuckled at that ever being a possibility – he would try to pinpoint the exact year, if not date, the two dimensions’ paths changed and the cause. He was sure Wells, with his love of history, would be intrigued.
Do you think it has anything to do with Tempus' trip into the past? I mean does that part of his history still stand?

His hand froze on the microfiche machine. It was only a blip of an article – nothing really. Page three, two columns, written by Lois Lane.

Guns in Local Gang Wars from the Congo.

Suddenly, Clark couldn’t do this anymore. He needed fresh air, because he couldn’t breathe. This Lois had been to the Congo. This Lois had written about the gun running in the Congo. This Lois made it home again, unscathed.
It looks like it just hit home just how personally different his story is from this universe's.

Wow, I hadn't actually thought that Jonathan's accident had happened before Clark had become Superman. I'm sure like many people, I thought it had happened during series (I don't remember the episode but I distinctly remember a scene where Clark was already going to visit and caught Jonathan falling off of a ladder while painting the barn.)

“Do you mind if I help with the ramp?”

The two men exchanged a conversation with their eyes. “Sure. I can’t pay you anything,” said the first man, clearly the man in charge. “Maybe Mrs. Kent can give you some dinner.”

“That’s okay, I wouldn’t want to bother her; she’s got enough on her plate right now. Anyway, I’m not looking for a handout. I just want to help,” Clark replied, truth ringing from his words. “You know, return the favor.”
Somehow I suspect Alt-Clark will be making a regular trip out to the Kent farm. Possibly becoming their surrogate son unintentionally (or maybe not, I guess we'll have to see.)

It felt good to stretch his muscles doing physical labor, farm labor, again. It felt like he had finally come home.
Yup, definitely going to be a regular guest/customer.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)