Gee whiz! What a place to end a story. She meets Lex but not H.G. Wells? Oh my.

Boy are you going to have to put the old whirlwind in effect to make this all go back to canon-Clark's life. The old ball we call Earth will be spinning for quite a while after we try to make this all correct itself. And you are going to make it happen in one episode and one epilogue? Those two "e" jobs are going to have to cover a lot of territory. Can't wait!

Been a good tale. We saw all we knew, all we wanted to happen, and a few extras added in this story. Most fanfic starts with canon and then it just leaves the train station on a different track. You ran on parallel tracks in most of these stories, but sometimes the tracks seemed to cross each other. Complex yet simply good fanfic! I've enjoyed the ride.
