smile1 And Michael! Is it Be Kind to Evil Writers Day and nobody told me? wink

Umm…did you mean coconut or cocoanut? I guess a chocolate banana split soup would be just to Lois’s liking. /goes back checking. Huh. I completely always read this as ‘coconut’ instead of ‘cocoanut’. Except for the coconut-based sun lotion of Jimmy. Oops
Um... According to there are two different spellings for this one word. Sure, I - of course - used the less common one, but that has more to do with my creative spelling techinique than ignorance. wink Really!

“Do you want to hear something funny?” Jimmy asked after they had been quiet for some minutes.
/expects Jimmy making fart joke/
Actually, Jimmy's joke ("Me, too, whatcha got?") had been buzzing around in my head driving me nuts until I FINALLY got around to writing this scene. See, THIS is why Dan couldn't come to the island. wink

So, taking out a mob boss by blowing up his casino with him inside?
If I tell you the details of NIA business, I'll have to kill you.

And, umm…which ep was the one with Jimmy’s dad and the NIA?
"The Dad who came in from the Cold"

So, not having Dan here is an excuse for not sleeping with him? Not that I’m complaining.
Hey, Dan not being there was DAN's choice.

But he wouldn't have gotten to sleep with her either way.


They’re both not bound to doctor-patient confidentiality?
One is bound by psdeuo-doctor-patient confientiality, the other is bound by the DP-Lois-Lane-Partnership-Clause, whereby no secrets may be revealed (except to Perry) unless one is willing to die for such revelation.

So, cuckoo?
... If the straightjacket fits?
... /checks off list of things to look for with a crazy person/
Am I sensing a theme here?

Like in Ghosts? Or Ghost?
Not sure which "Ghosts" is referring to, so I'll go for singular Ghost for $100.

Yep. Cuckoo.
Yep, theme.

Wouldn’t have had to. Lois would have been sprayed, too. Oh, wait, that wasn’t your point, was it?

Look who’s back up and running!
He's shy.

So, naked Clark and naked Superman, rolled up in a red blanket and tied with yellow bow for Lois to unwrap and…well…you know…
Not on this side...

Ralph’s sleeping with the fishes?
Whispering Pines, I believe.

Bah. Ralph can take it.
He didn't really have a choice in the matter.

“What do you think, Nigel, should we use the 2x4 next?” “Possibly, sir.”
clap Good thing Ralph didn't actually suceed, huh.

Define "rescue".

Is he really surprised?
Yes, he missed the Tiger clue and hoped for some campfire snuggling. Poor Jimmy.

I don’t know. He doesn’t sound very sincere to me, does he?
You're right. Clark is never sarcastic.

So, first he apologizing for puppy love, then he tells her he dreams of her making a man out of him?
Okay, I did move this forward a bit too. In canon, he does this at the top of the lightning rod in "Just Say Noah".

TMI, Lois! TMI!
Trying to scare him off, Michael!

Oooooh! His Dad is coming to his rescue because the watch has some whacky emergency signal built in that gets activated when removed from Jimmy. See, his Dad will be important later on.
Fine! Ruin it for everyone else. wink Maybe I'll move things around and just give Spencer a haircut fetish instead.

Because it hurt less when she said it to Clark?

Lois has lots of brotherly love?
She always wanted a brother... a twin brother... like in John Irving's The Hotel New Hampshire... *that* kind of brother. wink

Funny how she tries to gloss over him.
Oh, dear, I was funny? I wasn't supposed to be. Bad writer, bad!

Well, Mel Gibson is a good eight years older. Back then, that was quite older…
Again, Lex was HOW much older than Lois to have two sons approx. her age?

So, he wants her to commit suicide by crook?
No, but if he keeps up this topic of conversation, she'll be really tempted.

No, but to be Ultra Woman, she does.
Yes, but they never got that far in their relationship, so they don't know about UW.

/waits for Jimmy’s Dad to show up.
Don't hold your breath.

Give it time, Lois. I’m sure you’ll start hearing more voices as the show continues.

/points to previous chapter. Also, what about Perry?
Fine. I'll give you Perry.

So, she’ll kill him on the day before his 30th birthday?
Yes, if she doesn't kill him before then.

Umm…Lois? Isn’t that illegal?
She's planning on figuring out how to save him, THEN she'll marry him. Not marry the dead baby! (Where's Nigel's 2x4? I'm sure he left it around here somewhere?)

Ummm…See, there was that other guy, Tempus…and well…back in the day…umm…
Oh, sorry, she doesn't remember about Tempus or the day in the Smallville woods.

He actually *died* to get away.
And he ACTUALLY thought that would work! Ha! Men!

Why? Sounds like sound advice for the next time a girl tells him ‘you’d have to kidnap me first’.
[Linked Image]

/tries to fight end of part/
Sorry, Michael, but my contract with the boards says that my posting parts must be shorter than other people's entire stories. You know, to be fair to everyone. wink BTW, I think DC might be posting another part tonight, unless Tuesday night doesn't count as Wednesday on her calendar.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.