Wonderful thoughts on Lois' part. When I read about her crying into the notebook I actually felt guilty about implying Lois didn't care for her fish and even worse for implying Clark didn't care for Lois' fish...

Actually, I think Michael had it right, I think Clark was able to save all the fish after his hicups in Leathal Weapon. I was just trying to show her emotions all over the place. (strange foreshadowing, that's true)
Huh. I think you guys are right. I didn't question it at first because I thought there was one who went missing. But that was in Anti-K's Letal Qualities, not actual cannon. (Which just proves why Anti-K won BNA this year - because she's awesome enough that some of us mistake her writing for cannon.)

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon