LOL! What an idea!

Rule #23 - Keep away from people named Maxwell - especially if they are a doctor.
- More true than #21 and #22! If Lois gets amnesia, best to take her home and you be the doctor.
Better yet, let Clark be "playing doctor" with her. blush

Rule #26 - If Lois says she's not up to anything, she's lying. She usually is. Feel free to stalk from a reasonable distance.
- I don’t lie! If I’m up to something, it usually takes place AFTER he asks. Stalk? Ha! Hover is more like it.
Yeah, hovering is so his thing. (Both figuratively and literally.)

Rule #28 - Be careful with her skull. She may seem thickheaded sometimes, but a bump on the noggin will make her forget the best guy in the universe is her boyfriend...twice...
- Twice? This happened twice?

Rule #84 - Regardless of #83, Lois does rate 5 stars in the kitchen.
- Thank you. Nice save.

#84a - She also rates 5 stars on the ceiling or any other place you can imagine.
- Oh, is that what he meant? Hee-hee. Naughty, naughty Clark.
That one sunk in a little slowly. (Probably because Lois didn't expect that kind of naughtyness from her gentleman husband?)

#92 - Keep Lois away from any kind of blonde. They won't get along. (Linda King, Lana Lang, Toni Taylor, Toni Baines...)
- Mayson Drake, dog walkers named Tiffani, Penny Barnes, Mindy Church... I could go on, but do I really need to?
- As a personal rule, I don’t trust any woman who is blonde. It just makes my life easier. I only have a few exceptions to this Rule: Alice White and Martha Kent.
- Yes, I do realize that my mother is not included within those exceptions. And?
I wouldn't have included her, either. party

He closed the Handbook and set it down on his desk, crossing his arms. “Now, I believe there are some things we need to discuss.”

H.G. Wells blanched at the intensity of Clark’s gaze and cleared his throat. “You know, Clark, it isn’t good to know too much about your future.”

“Uh-huh,” Clark said. “Too late for excuses, Herb. Get talking. Let’s start with this ‘curse’.”
I'd love to be privy to that conversation...

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)