Well, folks, that’s it, that’s all. Hope you enjoyed the ride. And I hope that things all make sense now.

I'd like to take this time to give you my credits:

I would like to thank Gerry Anklewicz, Carol Malo and Sue S for Beta reading this story, helping with plot development, characterization, grammar, storytelling, plot holes and basically everything that makes for a good story. Without them, this story wouldn’t have come together the way it did.

Also, my thanks goes out to Nan Smith for her assistance with some of the medical information in this story. Any mistakes to the medical information, however, are my mistakes alone since there were things I didn’t consult her on and information she couldn’t completely confirm. However, she did assure me that my science was at least as good as some of the science on the show itself. laugh

Since I never read stories in parts, my initial instinct is always to skip posting here all together and just send my stories to the archives. But once again, I’m glad I did post here since you guys gave me some great suggestions along the way.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane