Yes. Well. I, too, wasn't all that surprised by the cliffhanger. And the likelihood of Clark still being around somewhere is quite high. The only question is, does he have amnesia and if he does, how will they find him eek But somehow, I'm quite relieved. If it had been the Lois/Moyne/bedroom situation from a couple of parts ago, things would have been much more strained and stacked with pointy-ended staff-like objects.

"I understand this is a huge risk," she said. "Even if you *can* shift the asteroid ..."

"*We* are risking everything," he said.
This would be ingenious. They could indeed poker that their own nukes could blow it out of the sky, but catch the alien at the same time. And if things really did go wrong with the nukes, then hey, at least the alien invaders wouldn't have a planet for free. clap

In that gesture, Clark understood something profound. They were equals. Two beings of different origin, but equal. "Call me 'Clark'," he said.

Evan prefaced his reply with a smile. "She did. She's ... ah ... actually, she's working on another project now."
Oooh, this is clever. Layla is making the costume. You really set this up marvelously.

Clark took the garment and examined it in horror. The material was stretchy. It would probably fit him, but it was going to cling to his body like a second skin. His modesty would be hopelessly compromised.
Oh dear. And that's after he wouldn't even go swimming with Lois.

Not any hero that Clark had ever seen.
Yeah, but the black Kevlar and the cowl are already taken. Same goes for the miniskirt and tiara. Besides, Clark would look ridiculous in a Wonder Woman get up laugh

Lois took the eyesore from him and held it up to inspect it. "Aww," she said. "Layla made you a cape."

"I am *not* wearing a cape."
laugh Poor Lois. I'm guessing her own ability to stay calm and unaffected is coming to a rapid end. Maybe she could ask for a few more minutes without cameras in the room?

Scardino looked down at the folder. "The apology and statement regarding the deaths of the agents will arrive - signed by the President - within days." There was one remaining official-looking paper. Scardino picked it up and considered it for a long moment. "Lois?" he said.
I've got a bad feeling about this...

He diffidently offered her the paper, and Lois gasped. It was a marriage certificate, proclaiming the marriage of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. It was dated a week ago. "Why?" she breathed.

"Firstly, I want to assure you that this can be annulled with no record of it once Clark has returned home."
Yes, but will she tell him before she consummates the marriage? And can they annul an official marriage certificate after it has been consumed on the grounds that it was only there on paper and all official records say it is real?

"We don't know," Scardino said. "We lost him."
Still evil spider


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