My first impulse is to beg: "Please, no amnesia! Not after they've come this far! No amnesia!" But I'll try to be a bit more dignified and not say anything about it because you are, after all, the author, and an incredibly skilled one at that. wink

I'm with everyone else in that I loved the whole donning of the Suit. I must say, I wasn't sure earlier how he could become Superman in such a short time, but on the other hand, this could be really good for him. Clark has always been happiest when he can have that dividing line between who he is and what he can do--between the human and the alien parts of himself. This might actually help him make that distinction and realize that the alien part is a blessing. (There I go, guessing again! I really try not to, honest!)

I love how strong Lois is throughout this part. This ties back to one of my favorite things about the Lois/Clark relationship--the fact that (after she knows) he always waits for her to say "Go," and the fact that she always says it.

However, even more impressive is Clark's absolutely amazing strength. I am just in awe that he is strong enough to go out in front of the world after what's been done to him and venture into the cold blackness of space to ram an asteroid bigger than a city! And yet, no matter what's been done to him, Clark always rises above it--no wonder all the other 'superheroes' were named after him!

A fabulous chapter--but not a conclusion. I can't wait until the next part! Thanks!