MozartMaid Yeah, it was a bit of a roller coaster. But Clark showed that he's learnt a lot from Lois!

DW Clark wouldn't have had too much experience of human relationships in the cell. He used what he had - what Lois had given.


Clark is becoming Clark again!
What a nice way to put it!


I thought Lois was going to be too stubborn
Clark can be stubborn, too.

Vicki Loved your maths!

Bellarase It never occurred to me that Clark might be 'noble'. I wanted him to fight for Lois.


It's so indicative of Clark--so confident and able on the outside and so scared and unsure on the inside, yet good all the way through.
Even more so here, given what he's been through.

Jen Hope you had a win against the wasps!

I think it's Clark's turn to prop Lois up for a little while, and this will be a good next journey for them both.
Hope so. wink


Oh no, given the day/part ratio, after the two days, Trail and #4 will be over and then Lois will leave Clark forever
I've made it to Monday! You're at Wednesday. laugh

Evelyn Strong Clark had to emerge eventually.

Elizabeth I do try to balance the parts. It worries me if not much seems to happen.

Brenda Good point re the paper. And Kathy's point about the internet is true, too.

Don't mind us, Corrina. We'll just sit here and plot your story for you while we wait for the next part.
Keep plotting!

Cristina Nice thinking about the timing of the kiss.

I will say this - when the story idea hit me, there were four very definite stages. I'm just building up to the end of Trail now.

Michelle I figured there wasn't much Clark could say to Daniel without risk of it sounding antagonistic.

Many thanks, everyone.
