Vicki Your request for the next part worked well for everyone, Vicki. When I got home, my hard drive had died, so if I hadn't posted when I did, it would have been at least another 24 hours.

Bellarase It's always nice to hear that the chapter didn't disappoint. smile

Laura smile1


Their love for each other is so protective of the other, so warm and caring, what they both need so much!
Love is always special, but there's something extra when it grows out of adversity.

DW Uhhmm. No. No. laugh

Jen The shave bandwagon seems to be getting quite full!


True. It could get lodged and pull a cogwheel free or bend a shaft or some other mishap.
Oooh - that wouldn't be fun to untangle!


Because this, despite a rough start, has become such a nice ride.
I'm so pleased you said that. smile

You've fallen for good 'old' CK, despite his beard, despite his hair and despite his 'old' age
For me, this was important. We emphasise Clark's look a lot (I wonder why that is confused ), but I enjoyed taking his looks out of the equation. And even without them, Lois *still* fell in love with him.

Just a suggestion, Corrina, but I've thinking... Lois needs to know where Clark stands and... well, wouldn't that be waaaay easier if Clark were to, let's say, hug her? Kiss her?
Well, the direct answer is that this Clark lacks a lot of self-confidence, and it's unlikely that he is going to initiate anything.

The 'tease' answer is ... Good point. I'll speak to him about it laugh

Emily It seems most want a shave, a hair-cut and a date. wink


I'm not sure how much of that was planned ahead of time vs Lois improvising on the spot,
I usually don't give too much detail about what she is planning because it ends up repetitive. However, I think either of the scenarios you suggested would fit with Lois's character.


I'm wondering if there is a curve ball coming. I'm hoping that Clark at least gets a shave and a haircut and L&C get that romantic dinner.
So, if I give you the shave and the hair-cut and the date, you'll allow me the curve ball? wink

Thanks for the lovely FDK, everyone. I have finished part 24, and part 25 is written but rough.
