~~ Wednesday ~~

Lois got out of the rental car and looked along the sprawling main street of Smallville. A few people were dotted on the sidewalk, but it felt decidedly sedate after the bustle of Metropolis. Twenty yards to her left was a cafe.

She bent low to glance in the side mirror and adjusted her spiky blonde wig. It made her appear younger ... maybe not younger, but definitely like someone desperately trying to look younger.

Younger - she'd discovered - worked well. If you were female *and* young, the general perception was that your head was filled with little more than fashion and the love lives of celebrities.

Which usually worked to her advantage.

Lois sauntered along the sidewalk and into the cafe. It looked like it was still hopelessly stuck in the sixties. She gazed around her, wide-eyed.

"What can I do for you, love?"
This is for you, Vicki! I'm going on a bike-ride/picnic with my husband and son but found the time to post the next part before leaving - because you asked so nicely!
