I returned home from a week away late last night, and was beyond excited to see three chapters waiting for me. It was all I could do to wait till I had time this evening to sit down and read all three at once.

I considered posting feedback on each chapter and bringing them to the top, but as I read the threads, I realized I'd mainly be saying "What she said!" and "What he said!" so I'll just summarize the whole thing by saying this: smile1 smile1 smile1

Delightful set of scenes. Like everyone else, I loved how much progress Lois is making both in acknowledging her feelings for Clark (yay!) and in making plans for his eventual freedom. And I LOVE how well they are working together, and especially her commitment to being honest with him.

The scene with Scardino was fabulous, too. The line that had the most impact for me was her response to why she gave Clark clothing. I'm not sure how much of that was planned ahead of time vs Lois improvising on the spot, but it was brilliant. Not only did it make perfect sense, but how could anyone -- even Menzies -- argue with it? Well done, you!

Of course, reading three chapters in one day only makes me desperate for more. Two days since the last post ... dare I hope chapter 15 will be posted soon? hail
