I'm back home from Christmas, though I've been keeping up with this story on my travels... I really love where this story is heading, and like everyone else, I'm wondering if there is a curve ball coming. I'm hoping that Clark at least gets a shave and a haircut and L&C get that romantic dinner. wink But what about Smallville? I keep feeling like something is lurking just around the corner that is going to throw a wrench in the works... These characters in this context is so fascinating to read, though. And you write so well, Corrina! Even though we keep begging for when the next part will be posted, I also have a feeling that we won't want to see the story end, either (but I think that is still quite a ways off yet, thank goodness!) wink

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink