The next part? You mean there's more? :p

I sent part 8 off to the betas four days ago. I've yet to hear back from them. I haven't started to panic (yet) because of the holidays. My goal is to get the entire story posted before the end of the year.

Steph! - Hey baby! (I can totally call her that because Steph is the only FoLC whose backside I have freely groped. wink ) Without giving too much of the plot away, she was left with food and water because her kidnapper expects to keep her there for longer than a few days. He certainly wasn't expecting her to get out of a locked train car.

As Michael explained, the phrase game isn't just what Superman says - it's anyone giving a speech. The phrases are ranked by the likelihood of use so having a phrase spoken that doesn't pop up at your typical press conference can win it. That game is based on a RL game that my co-workers and I play when we're forced to attend some of the most boring and pointless meetings ever held.

Laura - I'm so glad you're still reading along. I thought I had lost you! Thanks for sticking with me.

I have my new hotspot and it's working great (but I did laugh at the thought of Michael unspooling all that cable on my behalf). smile

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis