Great part!

The sun had set in the direction she was walking, which meant she was headed west.
Lois, don't walk towards the setting sun if you are heading east!!! I have found this to be very good advice if you want to make sure you are heading in the more or less correct direction.

I was watching Clark with greater than usual fascination in this part, after you pointed out, Sue, that he doesn't have to tell Lois about his double identity. Exactly, he doesn't. And this Clark is human enough not to be guided by the absolute moral compass that would forbid him to even ponder the possibility of pursuing a relationship with Lois without telling her. This Clark knows that he can flirt with Lois without telling her. He could in fact go quite far with Lois without telling her - but that would be wrong, and he doesn't want to do the wrong thing, and he is trying desperately to work up the courage to tell her. He is giving her little hints, but he doesn't get it that she doesn't get it. Oh, what a complicated world we live in!

Like everyone else, I, too, loved the way Clark couldn't keep up his Superman boundaries in front of Lois any more. What Lois hasn't understood is Superman's utter humanity - ah, but she got it now, which is why she is throwing up.

So now you need to get back to him and chew him out a bit, so that you can kiss and make up afterwards. Therefore, you need to get back to Metropolis. Therefore it is a good idea to locate the Pole Star in the sky - that isn't hard, you just find the Big Dipper which you can always see any clear night in North America - and then you follow the two "pointer stars" until you get to the Pole star, Polaris:

[Linked Image]

And then you just make sure to keep the Pole star on your left all the time, because then you will be heading east toward Metropolis and Clark, Lois! smile

(Of course it is always possible that he will be out of Metropolis looking for you, but that is another matter...)
