I'm in the middle of a few days of a crazy busy schedule, so I will be a bit briefer than usual. But I want to say thank you for posting 5 & 6 so close together, and for warning us about the part 5 cliffhanger. I held off until I could read both together (which, given my lack of time this week, turned out to be all I could manage anyway). I don't mind at all that you'll wait another 4-5 days before posting part 7; this was worth the change in schedule!

Great encounter between them; it was everything I could have hoped for. And Clark can speak! So glad to know the operation had nothing to do with that. (Or at least, I'm glad now ... I might change my mind if it turns out to be something even worse for him. But with any luck, it was just an "exploratory surgery to see if he was any different inside" and he slept through it and it wasn't as horrible as we are all envisioning.)

And I *love* that Lois is so firmly committed to helping him, not just in the short term but also in the long run. I have no doubt there will be some big roadblocks -- this is serious stuff! -- but I also trust that Lois will be able to do anything she sets her mind to. thumbsup
