I don't feedback very often on these boards. Shame, shame on me, I know, considering, as a fellow fanfic author, how much I know feedback is cherished.

I just wanted to let you know I'm reading this story, and I've been truly riveted with it, to the point that I find myself refreshing the boards throughout the day to see if you've updated. This is, quite possibly, the best L&C fic I've ever read so far, and I don't make that comment lightly. I've been reading L&C fic since 1997ish.

I envy your writing style. I like your minimalism. You don't waste words, and yet, you paint a vivid, striking picture every time. Chapter 6 broke my heart in so many (good!) ways. I'm glad that whatever operation they did to Clark, they didn't take his ability to speak. Watching him struggle for words made my eyes water.

I'm glad Lois is on Clark's side. I loved their conversations. I'm very curious how this situation will be resolved, and how long it will take (but I'm with you for the ride, regardless!). I'd love to see Shadbolt, in particular, come around to Lois's way of thinking. I like him despite his gruffness and his fear.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.