Thanks for all the lovely FDK. dance

L Thanks!


Can Clark see her?? I think you said it's one of those one sided windows, but can he see her when not affected by the kryptonite rods with his x-ray vision? Just thought of this...
Trask had all of the walls and that window lead-lined. Depending on the dark/light ratios on either side, Clark might be able to see shadowy figures, but he can't use the x-ray vision.


Lois and Clark get a happy ending!
You want a *happy* ending?!? wink wink


Don't corral your ideas, Vicki, I enjoyed them. I also liked the last one best. smile Your second scenario was my initial plan, but it had holes - such as why Lois would choose to go into the cell when Moyne was around.

Loved your play on the title.

Laura I really appreciate your comment, Laura, because I know that initially you weren't sure you would enjoy this. Thanks for persevering through the early parts.

Jen I didn't leave the nailbiter hanging for too long ... although part 8 didn't bring much resolution.

Kyla I'm going with the 'slow earning of trust'. Clark picking up Lois and flying away is a fascinating idea ... I'm not sure how I'd write it. confused

Kathy No bullet for Moyne, sorry. smile Glad you liked the crayon. Very early on, Iolanthe was saying, 'Give him a crayon!'

SJH But if Lois has time off, that takes her away from Clark. sad

Lisamaree Yes, you will find out what the surgery was, but it's going to take awhile.

DW The funeral ... isn't there some saying about when the cat's away, the mouse will play ...

Brenda Welcome out of semi-lurking! I'm so glad you're enjoying the ride.

Thanks everyone!
